Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quantum biology?

I just finished reading a really intriguing book: The Biology of Belief. Written by a former cell biologist, it explains the issues with our current theories of how biology works, based on Newtonian physics (which we now know to be gross oversimplifications which only prove out in large scale, macro type reactions). What is amazing is that, when you apply quantum physics to biology, not only does it make about a million times more sense (especially when you spent hours and hours and hours in lab trying to get molecules to behave, like I did), but it also explains how alternative, energy based medicine works, and why it works, AND allows us to recognize the amazing power we have over our own bodies.

The thing I love the most is the science (which he backs up with multiple studies done over the last decade) the shows that our cells and bodies are extremely reactive to energy fields, even the weak ones we create with various emotions. AND he shows how emotions aren't so much an affect of our brain, but rather are an effect from our bodies, caused by some outside stimulus. But it explains why emotions are so illogical. And then he goes through the ways (actual pathways with hormones and stuff) that people can makes themselves sick or heal themselves, through emotions and mindset.

Its things that I came to believe after studying genetics for several years (not to popular with the co-researchers), so I was already primed to get this, but its really neat to read about the science behind it, and what we are finding out.

Also, he has a tail end about a new type of psychology called psych-k, which uses this new research to alter the way your body reacts to things, like phobias and self-esteem issues, extremely quickly (like 15 minutes quickly) by bypassing the brain and going straight to the body. Sounds pretty awesome.

I highly recommend the book, (the science is very simplified for laymen, so no worries), and if you haven't seen it, you might want to see "What the #@#$% Do We Know?" before you read the book. It's a bit like an intro, though it was made a few years earlier.



What a juicy post. I can't wait to read this book. Having had such a cruddy back since I was a senior in high school, and going to so many different types of docs with different types of medicine, I have been able to find what works best for me at the very least. Many of the best approaches and best results have involved this type of science. I'm excited to read about it and find a more scientific basis to justify to my doubting friends and family why I believe so thoroughly in "quirky" "hokey" "Snake oil" Eastern medicine, as well as others. I'm going to recommend this post to a couple friends, too. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I might have to get a copy of this book myself. My friend Robin is an energy healer, who does BodyTalk. She's been helping me with several things, most importantly my allergies. It's really amazing that in five sessions, she's done more for me than literally decades I've spent with so-called specialists like allergists and ear/nose/throat folks. She's reading The Field and says it's very good. Have you read that one?

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah,

I haven't read that book yet, but I'll check it out. :) Always looking for something new to read.