Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Paths

Wow, much to tell. I've been so busy I haven't had time to blog, and now Jeremy is home all day and hogging the computer. Arg.

Anyway, I think the big news in my life is that I joined a community garden in North Hollywood, over by Laurel Canyon and Magnolia (its hidden behind the high school) So far, I've just been weeding some neglected rose beds, but its fun. Everyone there is really friendly, kinda like a little family, and they all like to give advice. ;) Its also great cause its organic, so they have this great system for making mulch and compost, and I can't wait till I actually have some goods to show for my fabulous little garden plot.

I've tried gardening at my house, but our sprinklers are screwed up so its impossible to know when the plants have been watered unless I see the plants dying (or check the soil three times a day, but ick, like I'd remember to do that), and then the soil itself is all dead and mostly clay, so its just not worth the work it'd take to get it to real good gardening level. We're just renting and probably moving in a year anyway. So yay easy garden with compost and community already set up!

I also got a handspinning kit with a drop spindle and four colors of wool. I'm so happy with my new toy. I know I'm insane, but I just love making things, and this is something I can do mindlessly (eventually) while I watch movies or something. I've always been kinda facsinated with spinning, and this is a cheap simple way to start. Plus I'm starting to have dreams of the scarf I can make with my own, handspun wool. :D

And finally, I've been feeling so well these last few weeks, that I've decided to start applying for bookkeeping jobs in the area, particularly in companies that work in real estate (so I can learn by osmosis). I have all this energy and staying home is driving me insane, and gardening is only going to take care of so much. So if anyone knows of a company that needs bookkeeping help, let me know!

Yay for new paths!

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