Sunday, January 11, 2009

Picnic Day

Today we went to the park with our friends and had a picnic. It was great! A little windy (ok, a lot) but really nice, warm sun, and we got to take the dogs. My favorite part was how much it cost: Nothing! We made sandwiches, brought water, and had a blast!

I love watching our mindset switch over, to where we aren't thinking about what we can go buy, but more what can we do without buying. Cindy came up with the picnic idea (thanks Cindy!) and it was great to see everyone just hanging out and talking. Not playing the latest video game, not spending money on a movie, just talking and having a great time.



Cindy said...

Thank you for coming! It was so much fun. I have a few ideas brewing for other activities too!

Anonymous said...

Some of those times are the best!