Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How could I forget?!

We got a CostCo card! It must be because I've been so swamped at work, and going crazy with taking care of dogs and husband combined (can't wait for his cast to come off---5 more days!)

So we made our first foray into CostCo on New Year Eve. I do NOT recommend it. The store was SO crowded that day, it was awful! And then there was the issue of getting Jeremy through the crowds with his crutches. Ick. But we didn't want to just give up right there.

We went back last week on a Saturday (I know) and though it was crowded too, it was MUCH better than the holiday. And we had a slightly better idea of how to attack the store: avoid the clusterf#$k at the produce section (who needs 8lbs of asparagus anyway?!), walk the backs of the aisles instead of the fronts (too many people oogling clothes, electronics, etc in the fronts,) and know your store layout (this one we're still working on - there are NO aisle labels!! I think I'll just spend an afternoon wandering some day or another - to get the basics down)

So far, what we've found is that Costco prices are pretty low, but only to about what would match other stores' sale prices. So rather than buy everything at Costco, we're going to buy staples and meat. So, flour, bread, beans, rice, and meats, particularly meats in large quantities, like 15lbs of sirloin (that we'd have to cut into steaks ourselves, but that is rediculously cheap!)

I'm looking forward to spending the next few months figuring out the best way to make use of our Costco membership for both healthy living, and a healthy balance sheet.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Don't forget to take advantage of the lower gas prices.