Monday, November 10, 2008

Biggest Loser: Spray Family Edition

We're into week 2 of our weight loss plan, so I thought "Hey, maybe its time to actually tell people we started." :)

Jeremy and I are part of a test group using this new product called the Core Gym. Its mostly pilates based stuff, and is an at home thingy that lets you do a lot of stuff you would normally need much larger equipment for. There's eight 8 minute workouts that they gave us, and a schedule of which ones to do which day. We started with one, and it looks like by the end of the month we should be up to 5 a day.

We are loving it. There's some cardio, some arm stuff, and a lot of leg and core work. We are sore, but we are loving it. I have to estimate a little, cause I'm using a different scale than the one we did our first weigh in on, but it looks like I've lost 3 pounds so far! (Starting weight was 159.6 lbs -- EW!)

The great thing is that the workouts are short enough that they are easy to fit into the day. And we are both getting strong enough to do two or three at a time, which feels awesome! (even though we can't lift our water glasses afterwards)

My understanding is that if we show good enough results, we get featured in their infomercial, which will be very cool, cause we get paid for that (I think). So we're watching what we eat, taking the fiber supplement they gave us to curb appetite, and working our little touchies off! (literally)

Wish us luck! More updates to come.

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