Monday, November 17, 2008

Biggest Loser: Spray Family Edition - Week 2

So our second week ended on Sunday, and I'm 152 lbs! Getting very close to that elusive "under 150" number. :D Hoping to get there by the end of this week.

My right knee has a twinge in it, so I've been laying off the cardio stuff, and I know that'll slow my weight loss. But I really don't want to further hurt my knee. I've got a good knee support wrap, and after two days of cardio rest, I'm gonna try a little tonight, and see how it goes. I'm totally babying my knee, and I hope that pays off.

Jeremy hasn't been able to do his CoreGym workouts in two days, cause he's been working 12 hour shifts on his film shoot, plus the hour commute each way. Ouch! I totally miss him. But I know he's been getting "other" exercise, running back and forth from the lighting truck, lifting 40 lb lighting kits, etc. So he's probably going to be ok. :) I'm more worried about me. Working out alone is so much HARDER!

We also have a TON of smoke in the air from the fires, so that's another good reason to lay off the cardio, or take it easy. Cause if you breathe too hard, you can feel it burn, and it is NOT a fun type of burn. Its that "I can't get any oxygen!" type of thing, so that sucks.

The office smells like smoke this morning, but thankfully it looks like the air is starting to clear up some, even though there are still fires going. Thank you wind!

So even with all those things blocking me, I am committing to being 148 by next week. Wish me luck! (and don't offer me any sweets) ;)

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