Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I made Strawberry jam on Sunday! It was so easy. I even chose to make the 'harder' cooking required jam instead of the freezer kind. Totally easy, and great for gifts and stuff. And I'm not intimidated by the idea of canning anymore, which was the whole point of the exercise.

I figure, with everything I've planted, I'll have way more harvest than I can eat, so I should learn to freeze and can everything, and jam was my very first canning. I bought myself a big pot to heat the jars in, and, with the help of my knowledgable husband (who had canned before) we have eight perfect jars of jam!

I know, I know...how much fun can jam be? but I had a blast and have a huge sense of accomplishment. I can't wait until I see rows of canned and pickled vegetables from my very own garden on the shelves!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

You make it sound so fun! I'm sorry I missed out!