Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In which I bounce between total excitement and being green with envy

Unsurprising to anyone who knows him even a little, Jeremy has realized that he really needs to be an actor. I am 110% for this - it makes him happy, it's unreal how good he is at it, and I think it will be huge for him as a career. A bit of history: When we met, he told me that he was an actor, and loved acting. That he had given up acting for the current moment, but probably not forever. I believe the reasons included drama, no money, less than no money, and something about how his acting career just never got off the ground. He had two theories about why this was: A) He had tried to go for dramatic/leading man roles, but he is best suited for comedy and character roles, and B) That he had a face that he needed to grow into, that would look much more camera friendly later, so he'd probably be best once he was 30 or 35. I'll add C) He was in LA, which is one of the hardest places to start an acting career, simply due to the size of the talent pool. So when he came home after filming JourneyQuest in Seattle with Fran Kranz and told me he wanted to pursue acting again, I wasn't just ok with it, I was thrilled! He was literally glowing when he came home from filming (and not just from all the energy drinks). It was as if five years of aging and "growing up" had just lifted from his face. Its amazing to see him so happy and fulfilled. And thank goodness there are ongoing projects to work on! It gets that momentum really going strong. I have been doing everything I can to support this, and keep it going, so traveling to at least a few cons and rekindling relationships was pretty high on my list for him. I was really trying to figure out how to get him to Comic-Con, since just about everyone even mildly important would be there, and then he figured it out himself! He's going with ZOE to promote everything they are working on! So yay! Super exciting! And boo...I can't go! (This is where the green-ness comes in) I am seriously, SERIOUSLY jealous. I told him the only way for me to NOT turn into the green-eyed monster was if we went to GenCon. Not sure how we're going to figure that one out, but we will. Oh we will. I will not be left behind while he has fun without me twice in one year! Jeremy is working on something that would at least help with the cost of GenCon, so here's hoping that turns out! In the meantime, I'll see what type of creative money movement we can get going to make this thing happen.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Well stated!