Thursday, June 25, 2009

Valley Swing Dance Club

I had so much fun last night. I went West Coast Swing dancing with my friend Maia, a dance I haven't touched in almost four years. One word: Really-really-fun!

The Valley Swing Dance club is in Reseda on Wednesday nights, in the American Legion hall. They have a beginner's and intermediate lesson which must be pretty good, cause I danced with quite a few new people (2 or 3 lessons) and they were all really solid.

What I particularly loved about this place was how friendly it was. Everyone danced with everyone, there didn't seem to be any cliques, and there was a good mix of all levels. If any of my friends want to learn West Coast Swing, this is totally the place I would take them. I only sat out maybe three or four dances, and I saw that everyone else was the same. There weren't any wallflowers (except this one guy who said he didn't dance, he was just waiting for his girlfriend). The music was a great mix too, lots of medium tempo for new people, but a few fast songs to challenge you too. If only I could find a place like this for Lindy Hop and East Coast Swing, I'd be in seventh heaven.

A note for those who don't know what West Coast Swing is: West Coast Swing is a partner dance that evolved out of Lindy Hop. It is the official dance of California, and has its own community, separate from other types of swing. Though the footwork has a lot of swing in it, the feel of the dance is closer to ballroom to me: lots of spins and flash, and the posture is upright instead of low to the ground. Its danced to pop, disco and R&B music instead of swing, and is very flashy and fun. Here's a video of some really great West Coast Swing, though of course the social stuff is a lot simpler.

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