Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stupid FOX

I've been sick all week, so needless to say that inbetween all the sleeping, I've watched a lot of television. All on hulu, my new favorite website. Free TV and movies streaming legally from NBC/Universal. And one of the shows I watch is Joss Whedon's new show: Dollhouse.

Its got a decent premise and could be really intriguing, but has yet to completely grab me. Moments, sure. And the last two episodes finally started to have some decent intrigue with regards to Alpha (those who know, know. Everyone else, watch the show.) I'm particularly into the show not because its good (it is decent, and very pretty), but because the last show Joss had on FOX was amazing. You just couldn't tell. FOX reworked the pilot so it sucked, changed the order of the episodes so they made less sense, and basically screwed the show up so it was no surprise when it got cancelled first season. The show was Firefly and it was amazing. If you haven't seen it, see it. All the episodes are on hulu for free.

And now it looks like the same thing is happening with Dollhouse. I just read the script for the original pilot. Totally awesome. Intriguing, fast moving, quixotic. I would have been hooked on this show. Sure, it may have moved too fast for some veiwers, particularly those not used to scifi. Ok. Change it a little.

No, fox has a completely different pilot written, and all I can say is that it severly has changed where the characters are going and what's going on. They even cut the cool sciency bits that make scifi awesome.

Sigh. I will still watch Dollhouse, cause I believe all the cool parts I read about in the pilot will show themselves eventually. I just hope Dollhouse can stay around long enough to get to those parts, especially if FOX continues to make Joss write them out.

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