Friday, March 13, 2009

The Shack

My sister-in-law sent us a book that she said was very moving to her: The Shack

I'm really enjoying reading it. Its about a man who gets to have a very frank and revealing conversation with God. I'm not really into religious material, but this turned out to be very non-religious. In fact, anti-religious, in that God doesn't care for much of what organized religion creates and stands for (neither do I for that matter.)

Its also a beautiful story of healing and growth, as the character has some major trauma in his life that he is struggling with years later, when he meets God.

Its a great read, and I recommend it. I also recommend two other books I love that contain similar ideas: Conversations With God (my favorite is book 1), and

I'm hoping the receipt of this book also means I might be able to talk more openly with my sister-in-law about religion, and the things in our life that she has previously considered offensive and evil, often because they are secular. I'm somewhat confused she even enjoyed the book, as it has so many messages that go against things she's told me she believes. We'll see how the conversation develops.


Cindy said...

Did you notice that one of the editorial reviews on the Amazon website is from Eugene Peterson, the author of the Message Bible you were talking about?

Unknown said...

Ha! I love it.

Tina said...

i really like pagen christianity by frank viola and george barna.