Thursday, March 12, 2009

Great Resource

Robert Kiosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and a bunch of other stuff) is writing an online book called The Conspiracy of the Rich. He is releasing it to a group of registered individuals for free, as he writes it. I just read the third chapter.

There are a lot of really great things he brings up in the book, about how the economy works, how money works, now and in the past, and what's going on with our economic collapse. To be fair, a lot of the concepts he brings up are not new to me, so I understand this book better than others might.

That's actually why he's releasing the book this way first. After each major concept, he asks those who have registered to go to the discussion board and list their questions or anything that is confusing to them. This way he can explain and expand the book for final release and make sure that the major questions of his readers are answered.

I highly recommend checking it out if you are interested at all in what is going on with the banks, the bailout, the stock market, or just the economy in general. Even if you don't understand everything, its a great place to find out what you don't know, and use that as a starting place for further research.

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