Friday, March 4, 2011

My Interview

My interview with Accountants International is done, and from all signs it went great! It didn't end in a job offer, but it really felt as if they were ready to hire me today if I were available. Hopefully, they will be willing to wait until my move date, or to help me with moving expenses so I can be up there sooner.

I am nervous, and feel a bit like this might be an awful move. But at the same time, it feels exciting, exhilarating to see a new path in front of me, rather than the well worn accountant's path.

I wish I knew that they would for sure offer me the job. Or that some mention would be made. I'm getting worried that my timeline might make or break this opportunity. I think I'll ask Randi to be sure. (Manager at the Lake Oswego office) I'd rather be proactive about it than lose the position by playing coy.

Yes, if I'm really honest with myself, I want this job. Its scary and new and might be the wrong place for me, but despite all that, I want this job. And I am going to do what I can to get it.

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