Saturday, January 5, 2008

Waiting on the edge of my seat

Last Saturday we went to a fabulous CashFlow game and REI seminar (If you haven't played CashFlow, then call me....cause its awesome, especially with lots of people.) At this seminar, we heard an investor named Virginia Swanson speak. Now, we've heard her before. We actually went to a seminar in Van Nuys where she was and it was awful. Everyone there seemed to be noobs who didn't have a clue as to how investing in real estate actually worked, but they thought they could make money anyway. They were all negative, closed off people, who didn't want to network, or work together or talk about strategies or anything. Lame. This is a PEOPLE business!

Anyway, when we heard Virginia that night, I had to say I really liked her strategies for Short Sales (homes about to be foreclosed on). She had figured out how to make a profit while letting the family keep their home and live in it free for a year! It was awesome and really inspiring - like, that's why I was interested in this business to begin with! But we didn't sign up for her mentor program, cause the energy was so negative, all we had in our heads was "not now." Seriously, that club kept us away from REI clubs for somewhere like two months....we completely gave in to the "not now, later" mentality, as far as REI clubs went anyway.

So last week, when we saw her again, it was great. Lots of positivity and we could really listen to her instead of listening to the resistance in the room. So naturally we signed up to interview for her mentorship program. Yay! Then we had our qualifying interview. Yay! Then she told us how much it would cost.....Now, she's really cheap compared to what other people charge, but we have a limited income this month, so there really isn't a way for us to pay for the training and mentorship, even if it is a great deal.

Here's where it gets cool though: Virginia saw potential in Jeremy, lots of potential, so she said she'd train him for free if he found her a specific property. As soon as she closes on it, he gets training. So what did he do? He found six in two days! (at least six ...I haven't got a recent count) He's at this week's CashFlow game right now and I'm totally interested in what Virginia is going to say about his property finds. Awesomeness!

Some of you might be saying, "But don't you already have a mentor? He's coming out in a couple weeks, right?" Yes, we do have a mentor coming out for three days of training and hand holding, so that will be cool, but then he's gone, and its all up to us. Virginia's mentorship isn't for a week or a month, its lifetime, so she can pick up where he leaves off! And she's based in Glendale, so she knows this market intimately. I'm really excited, cause I know this is going to happen. And its going to push us forward so fast.....I'm almost a little scared. But still, yay!


Cindy said...

I'm so excited for you guys. You are really taking this to all to a level that is sure to turn into instant success. Have a little faith and keep at it! You're not waiting for it to happen, you are going to MAKE it happen cuz you are that good!

Anonymous said...

I am curious how your relationship with Virginia is working out now, 7 months later. I also listened to her speak at an REI Club meeting, liked what she said and decided to do a little research before going to the "qualify interview". What I found read about her was astonishing! Fraud, scams, deceit, etc. Please let me know how things are working out with her. Is it possible that she really is a good person under all those lawsuits?

Anonymous said...

I also am very concerned about all the complaints and lawsuits. Apparently, now she is going by Virginia Kaufman so people don't find out about her past, her reputation and all the lawsuits she has lost to her students. Also she has changed her company from "Homes and Units" to "Millionaire Academy"

Unknown said...

So, we do know about the law suits, and whatnot, and that she's promised a lot of things to her students that really shouldn't be promised. She's got a lot of great info, and is overall a good person, but really bad at making sure people know its not guaranteed, that there is a lot of risk, and that investing with a group (instead of on yoru own) means the group owns properties rahter than you, which is what all the lawsuits are (that I know of anyway.)

Basically, don't lean on her completely (letting her find your properties, etc), just take her info and that networking that happens at her events, and do your own thing. The networking that happens at her cashflow club is awesome...those people are really going (well, they were before the crash...we haven't been since, so I don't know how things are going now)