Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm back!

GenCon was amazing! The people I met and got to hang out with were great! I love you Dead Gentlemen and Margaret Weis Publishing! You guys are the best!!!

I also finally, finally, FINALLY shook off the last of the funk that I've had since I was sick. I am now truly ME! Outgoing, high energy, crazy, funky ME!!!! So happy.

and I've made a promise to myself, that I'm making to all of you now too:

I am not turning back. Any time I (or anyone else) notices I'm going into a funk, I am going to stop, look at myself, and figure out why, what's wrong, and what needs to change, what's not working for me.

The first part of that: taking a break from voice lessons. I do love to teach, but it takes a lot of energy that I don't always have, and I have to drive a long way to do it, and it takes away my evenings and weekends. So, I'm taking a break. Not sure if it'll be a clean break, or slow, but it will happen. :D

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