Friday, August 22, 2008

I have to say, the biggest thing I've come away from GenCon with is the overwhelming sense of being fully and truly healthy again. :D I wasn't even thinking of it at the time, but GenCon was the biggest test yet of my health and fatigue level. Sleep devprivation, sensory overload, and energy requiring late night parties....and I was at work at 9 in the morning on Monday, for the most part doing pretty ok!

For those who may not know, I had chronic fatigue for a year and a half. (HAD....I can actually say HAD!!) I was unable to stand many days, work almost always...had to decide whether to shop for groceries or do laundry, cause I sure as hell couldn't do both in a day. And Jeremy and my family were totally there for me the whole time. We use accupuncture and herbs to control it enough for me to get married and go on a honeymoon, only to come back sick again..once again the "cure" was, well, not.

Enter the Holtorf medical group. They are awesome! At first I felt like they were taking me for every dollar they could, expensive doctor's visits, bagfuls of meds, lists of blood tests that seemed to go on forever...but they are awesome. A year later and I'm off all but two of the meds, the doctors visits are short and reasonable (longer initial visits are the expensive ones...they talk to you for like an hour about every possible symptom so they can treat you effectively) and I've been told that soon, I may not need treatment anymore at all.

So, background over, here's the bottom line. I stood my ground through every energy sucking, crazy funtime event that everyone else did, and, of everyone in LA, it seems like I'm the one who recovered the fastest, with no days off, no two hour naps (though I would have loved one), no getting sick. Not saying that everyone wouldn't have bee able to function were they not allowed their days off and naps. What I am saying is how amazed I am at how I did, and watching my friends take their extra rest makes me even more aware of it. Two years ago, I would have come home from GenCon (not having been able to stay up for most of the parties) and been sick and sleeping and unable to move for days or more.

I feel like jumping up and down and singing to the whole world: I'm healthy!!!!

NOTE: for anyone else who suffers, check out and

1 comment:

Mel said...

The fact that you took the time to make dinner for me means even more now that I know you didn't feel like it at the time!

I'm SOOO glad we have become friends, and EXTRA glad you are better!