Monday, March 7, 2011

The Portland Vortex

My Mom coined the phrase. She said we had opened up an energy vortex, the Portland Vortex, gave it a direction, put energy in it to make is spin, and now we are all being swept up because its taken on a life of its own.

Well yes, that is exactly how I feel. Its all of my own making, but right now, I totally feel like I am being swept up into a whirlpool, partly laughing cause its fun and cool, and partly freaked cause I might drown.

I just sent my references and salary history to Randi at Accountants International and am expecting a job offer within the week. Randi asked me how soon I could move, cause they want me now, and I said three weeks was the soonest I could possibly be there. And now its hitting me, I may be in Portland in less than a month. And we need a place to live, and to pack and to drive up. And I'll be away from my parents, who have been so amazingly helpful to have around (instant babysitters, and wonderful emotional support). And I'll be away from my friends. Yeah, the panic is trying to come up.

And then there's the additional stress of Max. Wonderful Max the Dog who just doesn't get babies. Who tried so hard, but just can't get it. He hasn't bit Joshua yet, but he's come close enough that we have decided he needs a new home. So we are calling everywhere, trying to find a shelter that will adopt him out. Sigh. It is really hard to let him go, even though it will be best for everyone. And in the midst of this other stress, its just crazy. But it'll get worse before it gets better, and that scares me the most: that Max will get more violent with Josh as the vortex continues to spin. He's never been good with stress or changes.

So, on we go, one foot in front of the other. There's no turning back now, just moving forward. Deep breaths.

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