Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Protests

Today thousands protested government bailouts with "Tea Bag" parties. Clearly these people are about 20 years behind the times. 'Tea bag'? Seriously? You seriously don't know what that means? ok....

Jokes aside, I probably would be supporting these yahoos, cause their point is pretty accurate. Here's my issue though: Its not a Democratic problem, and not an Obama problem, its a GOVERNMENT problem. Most of the bailouts were started under Bush. Bush got us into this huge deficit in the first place. Stop with the partisan bull and wake up.

I'm not against gov't spending to help us get out of this hole. Not at all. I'm just against throwing good money after bad. Every bit of research I've done has proved to me that there is no way our gov't has the funds to bailout all these large institutions. No way. And trying to bail them out only means we have less money for what is really needed. We are in a recession. Possibly entering a depression. We don't need bailouts, we need extra unemployment insurance, homeless shelters, food banks, and low/no cost health care. These programs were all cut to within an inch of their lives in the last decade. They now only cover those who are well below the poverty line (unemployment is the exception), leaving those at or slightly above the poverty line S.O.L.

Right now, and into the coming months, we will need more support and funding for these programs. So lets stop throwing money away on bailouts that won't save anyone, and spend money on programs that actually will save people. You want the market to grow? You want people to have confidence again? Then let the populace know their needs will be taken care of.

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